The main objective of the Cos4Cloud project is to create innovative technological services that are available in the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) to improve citizen science platforms. Specifically, 11 services will be developed.
Fifteen organizations participate in it, among which Bineo has an important role in leading the work package 4 “WP4-Interactive Services”. Among other works such as the Data Use Notification Service (DUNS) we are developing two Portals that allow experts to simultaneously consult information from different citizen observatories in the context of Biodiversity and Environmental Variables (Cos4Bio and Cos4Env), with the main objective to increase the number of identifications, reduce times when searching for information, to be able to download information on which to carry out studies and many more functionalities that will provide added value both to the Community of Experts and to the different Citizen Observatories that are part of the draft.