Bineo team is pleased to announce that our new home for Bineo Consulting is now live. What was previously our home built with wordpress has now transformed into our new home build entirely from scratch with new tools and technologies.
It has been one year since the European H2020 Cos4Cloud project started. Leading work package 4 “WP4-Interactive Services”, and we have already developed the first prototype.
A dream came true, in just 8 months of life we are already more than 20,000 users, 13 followers on Instagram and more than 100,000 photographs of Flora, Fauna and Landscapes. Be part of Hamelin, Your Nature Social Network!
Our Citizen Science platform, the Observatorio Cinegético, is beginning to bear fruit, collecting the first series of data with about 100 census takers.
After many years of effort and sacrifice, we achieved a great boost for one of our franchise projects together with the CSIC and the ICM, becoming part of the European Cos4Cloud project.
Bineo Consulting becomes part of the AI map of the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of the Government of Spain. Thanks to its experience and contribution in the field of Big Data and Data Science within the public sector at a national and international level, our company has been selected as one of the 140 companies in all of Spain with the prestige of being present on said Map.
The Committee of the Spanish Inventory of Natural Heritage and Biodiversity, approved in its meeting of June 16, 2015 the adoption of the Plinian Core standard in which one of its main developers was our CEO Santiago Martínez de la Riva.