This standard developed by our CEO, Santiago Martínez de la Riva, in his work as an external consultant of the CSIC for 8 years (a joint work of the project GBIF Spain, Conabio, Sib Colombia, the University of Granada, CRBio among others) allowed carry out a transformation of the old Standard of Plinian Core Flat to a new dimension after the development of the Abstract Model and the corresponding Application Profiles. A work worked over years that bears fruit as the Committee of the Spanish Inventory of Natural Heritage and Biodiversity, approved at its meeting on June 16, 2015 the adoption of the Plinian Core standard as a structure for storage, distribution and management of all the information related to species collected by the components of the IEPNB.
The main objective of adopting this standard for the IEPNB is precisely the organization of the information since, at present, information on species is dispersed, in different formats and what is more problematic from the point of view of information management, with a different structure.
More information at miteco.gob.es